Vagrants and Vagabonds

What?! What do you mean, “the homeless and illegals coming to our country are people too”. What are you trying to say, you pinko hippy?!

I’m saying consider the fact that this country’s legacy and our very symbol of freedom – the Statue of Liberty – is an invitation of open arms to welcome the oppressed!

Now, let me get this straight, just so I know what to tell me children and boss, you want me to let the Mexicanos, who are probably, according to the president, immoral, drug-dealing, bad bad people, you want me to freely let them in and coddle to them? Like they’re human beings?! What are you, a socialist commie! I can’t do that! By God as my witness, I will not. I will not take this perfectly good soil of a land that we rightfully stole from the in’juns and give it to somebody else, like some red commie bastard would do. Are you a commie?

“Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free . . .” Sound familiar? It’s on a plaque on the statue itself that lights the way for immigrants with promises of a better way, a better life. And what about the rich factory farm owners that lobby congress in order to get illegals in this country so they can have cheap labor under minimum wage? Oh no, that doesn’t happen, right? (Eye roll) No, money doesn’t talk in our society. It’s not the driving force behind every person’s usual actions. Our free market economy and it’s owners, aka the one percent, have nothing to do with tax loopholes and an economy and culture slanted toward catering to the rich! (More eye rolls!)

“Give me your tired . . .”

And what about the homeless? Well, these homeless people need to take inventory. They need to figure out their priorities. They need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps! What is your solution? You just going to hand them money?! What are you an effin’ commie pinko socialist? My church talks about it every Sunday! If they had God in their lives, they wouldn’t be homeless. They’re probably drugged-out and shiftless anyway.

Aren’t we suppose to be like Jesus Christ and not use Jesus Christ as an excuse and reason for NOT  helping other people? WWJD?! Probably toss your ass in hellfire for such an attitude! “Come to Me and I will give you comfort.” And what about, “Love thy neighbor”?

“Come to Me.”

*Sigh* I’m not sure what the answer is, honestly. But I am sure the answer’s not, “Let’s turn our backs on our fellow man.” We need to focus as a society on what’s important, and it’s not our own wallets.


Blue Wave or Not

People of the United States – one word for you:


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Vote. Vote, vote, vote, vote, and vote! Nothing will change if you do not vote. Whether you’re a blue donkey democrat or a red elephant republican. Whether you preach and shout in public then cower in private from porn stars, or whether you pound your fist for impeachment – vote!

Now, I personally have a tendency to lean toward liberal blue and, given Donald J. Trump’s rhetoric of about how he’s at the helm of everything’s that good about America, I personally disagree with his bullcrap and think he’s in fact the personification of everything that’s wrong with the US and its society.

But, whether you want peace, love, and donkey power, or whether you would like the one percent to win again with the elephant that remembers how to fool you with tax cuts that will “trickle down”, (see which way I lean?) . . . vote!

Until next time, that is all.